The Denver Handmade Alliance Vendor Booth is finally here! Come out this weekend to the Denver County Fair. See some animals, blue ribbon pie and some great
Lola's Kitchen Photography!
I really should title these photos by the numbers of eggs that break while shooting.
One would think I would realize that a wire whisk that is flexible is not going to hold the eggs while you carry it to the sunny patio for it's photo shoot.
The whisk is titled 3.
Those who know me know how clumsy I am so the bowl filled with eggs was a recipe for disaster.
I'm sure my neighbors think I'm crazy as they watched me clean up yolks from the patio furniture.
With a little help from a random stranger walking by who put this in my car and my neighbors who helped me get it in the house the new turned leg chop block is in it's new home.
What started as an innocent trip to Pier 1 to pick up a trifle dish turned into me leaving with a new chop block. I love when you find something that instantly is perfect without question.